Curiosita', Dimostrazione, Sensazione, Sfumato, Art/ Scienza, Corporalita, Connessione et. al.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I had two dads - a rich one and a poor one. One dad was highly educated and intelligent; he had a Ph.D. and had completed four years of under-graduate work in less than two years. He then went to Stanford University, the University of Chicago, and Northwestern University to do his advanced studies. All on full, financial scholarships. My other dad never finished the eighth grade. Both men were successful in their careers, working hard all their lives. Both earned substantial incomes. Yet one dad struggled financially all his life and the other dad would become one of the richest men in Hawaii. One died leaving tens of millions of dollars to his family, charities, and his church. The other left a legacy of unpaid bills. Both men were strong, charismatic, and influential. Both men offered me advice, but they did not advise the same things.
If you want to know more! and be like rich dad? just click this button:

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Know what YOu WANT!!!

Hey! maximize your income as much as you like with the non-traditional way of having business. Believe it or not! I have earned a little less than two hundred thousand in my very first month in the business that I am into. Sounds rediculous ? Well, As a matter of fact, the one who introduced me into the business, my brother, who bought his brand new Isuzu, Crosswind, limited edition, that cost him like P1,045,000.00 earned this in just roughly a year having this kind of a business.

Nothing to lose, no obligations, just check this out...To know more about it please email me to Let your curiosity save you from your financial distress!!!