CONFIDENCE is a broad issue to discuss oneself. Books and school of thoughts have covered it all. So let’s try to address it and get directly to the factors that bring about CONFIDENCE. The following are the factors:
Lack of learning, knowledge, information, data or insights are just one the many ways to “embarrass” our confidence. These things are the minimum requirements in any successful endeavor in the business of life or career. Probably we have a special skills or knowledge possessed right now. The question is if not all of them at least most of them work with you and what we are doing it’s working against us.
Success is an art requiring skills and knowledge mastery of such concept bring about confidence. However, we must be willing to “empty our cup” of the past frustrations and disappointments to learn the dynamics of Confidence. It does not necessarily mean that are co-workers much be wiser. WE HAVE TO UNLEARN FIRST BEFORE WE LEARN THINGS.
Abraham Lincoln said, “ if I had 8 hours to chop down a tree I’d spend 7 hours sharpening the ax.” Therefore, we should sharpen our saw often. Confidence related to Excellence is not an act but a habit.
“ The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn but to unlearn.”
-Gloria Steinem
“ The first requisite of success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem without growing weary. Genius, then, is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”
-Thomas Edison
Long time ago, a great Indian warrior faced a situation which made it necessary for him to make a decision which insured his success on the battlefield. He was about to send his army against a powerful foe, whose men outnumbered his own. He loaded his soldiers into boats, sailed into the enemies country; unloaded his soldiers and equipment and then gave the order to burn the ships that had carried them. Addressing his men before the first battle, he we cannot leave this shore alive unless we win!!! We have NO CHOICE – We WIN OR WE PERISH! ….they Won.
Every person who wins in any undertakings must be willing to burn his own ship and cut all the sources of retreat. Only by doing so one can be sure of maintaining that state of mind know as the BURNING DESIRE to win our CONFIDENCE. We must adopt the NO-CHOICE mind set principle that is living the day as if no tomorrows.
“ You can have anything you want in life if you want it desperately enough. You must want it with an exuberance that erupts through the skin and join the energy that created the world.”
-Sheila Graham
There was a lady named Wilma Rudolf, The 20th of 22 children, born prematurely on June 23 1940 in Tennessee, U.S.A. She belonged to a very poor family. When she was four she had double pneumonia that left her paralyzed in her in left leg. She had to wear an iron brace. The doctors told her that she would never walk again, you would have just imagine how low her Confidence and self esteem was. Nevertheless, her mother told her she could do anything she wanted.
At the age of nine, Wilma took off the leg brace and started to walk. It took her four years to develop a rhythmic stride. Then she decided to be the greatest runner in the whole world. Can you imagine someone who couldn’t even walk properly saw herself as being the greatest runner in the world? For far too many it would be impossible, but not to Wilma.
At age 13, she started running. She entered every race in high school and still came last. Eventually though, the day came and she won. From then on, she won every race she entered. In the year 1960 Olympic games, the impossible happened. Wilma not only won, she has set a record a record as the first woman ever to win three (3) Olympic gold medals in the history. She had overcame the odds of her life, her low confidence grew up to an enormous league of her own to achieve her dream to become a world champion by doing the undoable.
“We must dare to think and do the unthinkable and the undoable thoughts. We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapid changing world. We must dare to think about the Unthinkable things because when things become unthinkable, thinking stops and action becomes mindless.”
-William Fulbright
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