The Moment Of Truth
The pressure was on…a missed shot by the MEGAFORCE, who has been known as the unstoppable team around; inbound by the ITSD, who was lagged behind by 3 points in an 11-second shot clock, 98-101 score, with no timeouts left for both teams;--- rebound by Water, then passed it to Ramon Guico who made some cross-over to the three-point area, time ran down to 3 seconds… and got it for THREE!!! Oh boy!!! Wow! That was a crucial basket by the ITSD team and made it 101-101-all situation into a ballgame extension that was well managed and captained by playing-coach Dindo Gonzales, who have finished the ballgame with an easy, confident free-throw shots.
The ITSD reaped off the MEGAFORCE with a 5-point lead, 107-102 score, in a big Friday-night ballgame that coasted the team to the championship match against the QMS Hospital/Caloocan.
An amazing game, in what is truly one of the most memorable playoffs in basketball game I have ever played with. There are those who say that “ It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game that counts.” The secret of the ITSD team didn’t rely on one person alone. Every part and every role had their practical, effective and essential place in the ballgame. A concerted effort from the highest pointer, Jules Bustamante, an MVP( Most Valuable Player )candidate; with killer shooter, El-presidente’ Ramon Guico, another potential MVP candidate, and the legendary strategic, well-crafted move by our playing-coach Dino Gonzalez; a bombastic ball-handling skill by Bong, or should I say, “Bombastic BONG”; a cheesy, easy-basket by Sir Clarence; Quadrupled-towering-tandem rebound by Comendador, Water, Jun, Toffee, Gueco, and the insider, Tejada; with matching sassy, snap shot by RG Guico; and an insy', wincy', steal by gad-fly Lacay; on a cruising, jack-drilling Jackass with an unrelenting support of patience by Paul the apostle; the small but terrible facetious Fabian the Giant; to the Daunting Don Ouanio and our feng-sui master Gerry. All of these are recipes of the winning team. Big or small contributions they may be, but the spirit of winning runs into our blood.
Life is like a ballgame, wherein, individuals score points, but teams win games. Anyone of us may contribute to win the struggles in living. Athletic events is the legitimate brother of life moments. It doesn't matter if you finish the race but how have you been during the race.
I remember the last quarter of the game when everybody was exhausted and in great despair. In good faith, I prayed to God for an extra strength to sustained us and give us the best shot. I have asked him, if not twice...thrice, but, he didn't permit the things to turn out what exactly the way I want it to be. Then, I finally realized that, " If god closes the door he opens up a window." He always wanted to play the game according to his will. He is a God full of surprises...a delightful Father. He wants his children to give their best and he will do the rest.
Ramon Guico, one of my team-mates, shared about his prayer, " I really prayed for that basket, and was granted. " said he. Come to think of it. It was a three-point shot on an 11-second shot clock situation wherein the opponent was leading by three points. Wasn't that an amazing, fabulous, magnificent and vindicated shot from above, was it? Indeed it was.
God works when the least we expect him because he has sat his trust upon us as much as we should trust him and believe in him that he will give exceedingly and abundantly more than what we can ask or what we can think and imagine, according to his power that works within us.
Little contributions matter. Even small playing time in a ballgame can make a big leaping difference. The lost of playing time or basket is a gain of another. I remember what chemistry has taught me, " Energy can neither be destroyed nor be created but can only be trasformed. Every moment in a ballgame is part of the biggest game known as...LIFe. A connection between people and God. An unrelenting interaction between God and his children. The crowd, in the same way prayed for our winning. It's remarkably a manifestation of a " GOD-AT-WORK."

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